Blog Participation #1


I found this choropleth map online and I feel like it is exemplary for the following reasons.

1. The data class used works for the dataset. The data looks to be evenly distributed among the classes using quantile classification which allows for the map to be more visually appealing for the viewer because one dataset doesn't seem to overwhelm the entire map.

2. The map has everything it should have, including a title, legend, cartographer name, and the source of the data. 

3. The colors that the cartographer chose work well for this map. The colors go from white to a dark shade of pink and doesn't make it difficult to look at. 

Montano, Derek. United States Adults Ages 20-24 by County. 18 Jan. 2024. Blogs of Maps, Anete Ezera, Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.


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