Cartography Maps #4a & #4b


Map #4a is a choropleth map resembling 2020 election results in New York by county. The bluer shades represent more Democratic counties while the redder shades represent more Republican counties. This map took me around an hour and a half to make just to get a hang of it. I had never created symbology with multiple fields before, so it was a lot of trial and error for me. Below is a screenshot of my map in ArcGis Pro: 

Map #4b is also a 2020 election map in New York by county but this time I used a dot density map with two different colors instead of a choropleth map. Each dot represents 5000 votes, and the colors correspond with the colors of the parties. This map only took me about 45 minutes to make. My original plan for this particular map was to create a graduated symbol map with two different colors, blue and red for the opposing political parties, yet I could not figure out how to add another field to put in two colors for the life of me. Below is another screenshot of my work in ArcGis pro:

Source for both maps: MIT Election Data and Science Lab. “County Presidential Election Returns 2000-2020.” Harvard Dataverse, Harvard Dataverse, 9 Jan. 2024,


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